AccuSizer 780 AD Autodiluter Single Particle Optical Sizer
The AccuSizer 780 AD is the first fully automated, high resolution particle sizing instrument in its class. It uses the principle of light obscuration to count and size particles one at a time from 0.5 - 2500 microns. The 780 AD provides the true particle size distribution, clearly showing the details of the distribution that other technologies miss. Using a patented autodilution system it is no longer necessary to trade accuracy, sensitivity and resolution for speed.
AccuSizer 780 APS Automatic Particle Sizer
A system for testing opaque dispersions, like inks or high solid content systems such as paints or emulsions. This system can dilute a sample by a factor of 1 to 1000 and includes an automated mode for unattended measurements. Use it for filter testing or stability studies.